Sunday, 1 April 2018

Imaginerials - The imagination materials & phenomena

Through my paper "Mind, Matter, Design, Cognition, Intellect, Imagination, Knowledge, Consciousness, Evolution, Reproduction & Culture", that I published on ResearchGate there is an important conclusion that there needs to grow a new sort of materials or may be phenomena that will enable imagination to happen. Materials (or Phenomena) I termed Imaginerials.

Imagination is a process, where both cognition and impact/influence happen without sensing. Such processes are turned ‘non-spontaneous’.

This therefore, is the major disparity between thinking and imagining - both are done by mind, as of now. While thinking uses reason & hence knowledge & consequently information procured through five senses. Imagination does not need sensing to happen. 

Furthermore, lack of sensing in imagination means lack of intent (lack of sensing is sufficient condition for lack of intent; but lack of intent is not sufficient for lack of sensing). Here comes the challenge - all materials and phenomena created currently, use intent, reason and knowledge as the fundamental processes of existence nd propagation. Imaginerials would require no intent or purpose to exist or execute phenomena, doing it completely in a non-spontaneous manner. Since intent will be absent, therefore, there will be no possible way for humans to control initiation of phenomena, though I have discovered no constraints to possibility of control of processing. 

Imaginerials, therefore a either materials or phenomena, which execute action and impact (effect) without any intent or reason at all. Therefore, the triggers for any action by imaginerials cannot be external but have to be internal - not initiated by interaction with environs but is a non-spontaneous (for no reason) process that is completely random in its occurrence.

Indeed, there is a need for development of the science of creation of uncontrolled materials and phenomena. This will lead to autonomous exploration - without intent, command & control of human mind. This will lead to creation, discovery and invention of newer phenomena and processes that will use imagination instead of intelligence and reasoning. That will be a new world.