Saturday, 19 August 2017

The Anatomy of Grievance

The Anatomy of Grievance


Grievance is one of the cornerstones of humanity. If a critical list was to be drawn of what distinguishes mankind from many other species; capability to complain will stand tall among stalwarts like Intellect, Pain, Emotional Quotient, Higher Consciousness, etc.
Grievance is one of the strongest inter & intra entity links, caused by both - real & imaginary reasons. The aggrieved or aggrieving entity can be a person, community, organization and even animals.
What distinguishes grievance from many other human feelings, is its retention capability in the memory of the aggrieved, besides the potential it embodies to cause voluntarily or involuntarily impact on the thoughts and actions of the aggrieved, any time, till a moment much later than the time of occurrence of such grievance (could be years). Grievance, hence is an important aspect of human relationship that needs to be addressed and handled. An aggrieved person is an axe waiting to fall anytime, making the aggrieved carry this burden (axe), while exposing the person perceived to have caused the grievance, under the risk of vengeance or retribution for a long time. In some extreme cases this further induces a set of negative psychological phenomena in the aggrieving entity. 
The impact of grievance can be established by its valence (positivity or negativity induced) and arousal (excited state of mind & body). Both valence and arousal depend on the grievousness of the offending act (real or as perceived by the aggrieved).  The time for which the grievance is retained is dependent only on the personality traits of the aggrieved Party, with no influence of the perceived or really offending party. Retention time therefore signifies a personality trait.
The aggrieved, might undergo cognizable (recognized by self or by ambience) or incognizable (unrecognized by self or by ambience) impacts. A grievance (perceived or real) causes not only an immediate reaction of the aggrieved but also leads to a long-term retention impact. In the mood space, which is created from valence (positivity), arousal and the retention time axis, it is apt to consider that grievance is a value in the valence-arousal plane changing in size every next moment. It will lie in the space which is denoted by the blue box below (arousal(+), valence (-) & retention(+)). 


A grievance can be held towards a person, ambience/circumstances, organization, State - anything that is a cognizable entity. A grievance can also occur against oneself, as also against God (a common proxy for grievance towards oneself, circumstances or ambience). The moment the aggrieved & the aggrieving co-exist in one person, it is emotionally, psychologically and clinically disastrous.
Consequently, a grievance is a resentment overt or covert that can happen against (i) an entity (including oneself, organizations, owners & operators of machines & animals, providers of goods and/or services); (ii) circumstances/time and last but not the least against God or other perceived supernatural objects/phenomena caused by real or imaginary reasons.


Grievances happen owing to 2 classes of causes – real & imaginary:
Real grievances happen owing to breach of (i) Commitment, (ii) Statute; (iii) Conduct; (iv) trust amongst other.
Imaginary grievances happen owing to breach of Expectations



Under-reported, Incognizable, Over-expressed and Disproportionately-reacted Grievances.

The arousal-valence plane of the grievance space is required to be analysed to arrive at a measure of grievance. Any grievance will lie on the left of zero on valence (since it’s a negative emotion), and above of zero on arousal, since it creates an arousal in the aggrieved. In ideal circumstances and in an ideal human arousal and valence values should be linear – it is axiomatic to assume that the more negative is the emotion, the more aroused will one be. But in reality this is not how it happens. Sometimes the reaction (arousal) of the aggrieved is much milder than what the negativity of the situation deserves and sometimes, substantially more than anticipated. The former, are the grievances whose coordinates lie below the valence=arousal line, while the latter are those which lie above the said line. Therefore, those lying below the valence=arousal line are under-reported (or sub-conscious/incognizable) impacts of grievance and those lying above the said line are over-expressed (or disproportionate reaction). In the figure below are two grievances – G1 & G2. G1 has an under-reported or incognizable component of the amplitude of which is represented by the distance of the G1 coordinates
(A1, V1) from below the valence=arousal line and denoted by X1. 

The ambiguity of G1 being an under-reported or incognizable grievance is removed by studying its progression on the third axis – that is retention time.
Under-reporting happens in case of highly controlled individuals, who can be assumed to have very high level of control on their expression & hence can also be assumed to be highly capable in dealing with the impact of the grievances & resultantly expected not to carry it for very long, realizing that it will harm them. Therefore, if G1 falls quickly towards (A1,V1) = (0,0) as retention time progresses, G1 will have high probability of being an under-reported grievance. In case it does not fall towards (0,0) it is probably under-cognized. In the figure above R1 is an under-reported while R2 is under-cognized grievance. It is important that the graphic representation of R lines in the 3D graph may not be adequately pictured.
Similarly, the over-expressed grievance will taper off to (A2,V2) = (0,0) pretty rapidly with passage of time, while the disproportionately reacted grievances will sustain for longer time, because disproportionate reaction is a self-propagating mechanism, which ensures that the amplitude of negativity does on reduce with retention time. Therefore, as shown in the figure above, R3 is an over-expressed grievance while R4 is a disproportionate reaction grievance.

Amplitude of under-reportedness or incognizability of a Grievance

Therefore, from the figure above it is possible to establish that G1 is an under-reported grievance would it progress in time in concurrence to R1 and an incognizable one wold it progress close to R2. The amplitude of under-reporting or incognizability represented as X1 can be inferred from the mathematics below and is equal to :
It is apparent that θ2 = (π/4-θ1) such that θ1=tan-1(A1/V1)
ð θ2=(π/4- tan-1(A1/V1))
GL1 = (A12 + V12)1/2
X1=GL1 x sinθ2  
ð X1=(A12 + V12)1/2 x sin(π/4- tan-1(A1/V1))

Over-Expressed and Disproportionately-reacted Grievances.

Similarly, it is possible to establish that G2 is an over-expressed grievance would it progress in time in concurrence to R3 and a disportionately reacted one would it progress close to R4. The amplitude of over-expression or disproportionate reaction is represented as X2 (distance from the arousal=valence line) and can be inferred from the mathematics to be equal to :
θ3 = (π/4-θ4) such that θ4=tan-1(V2/A2)
ð Θ3=(π/4- tan-1(V2/A2))
GL2 = (A22 + V22)1/2
X2=GL2 x sinθ3  
ð X2=(A22 + V22)1/2 x sin(π/4- tan-1(V2/A2))
Identification of valence and arousal values can be done using various methodologies, which will be presented in an innovative product.

DNSEA of Grievance

To measure grievance it is important to define & describe it, rationally.
Using my methodology (refer to my book 'Invention of Description') termed DNSEA, ‘grievance’ can be described as having below mentioned attributes:

Necessary attributes

Safety attributes
High Amplitude of Grievance with the aggressor and aggrieved being the same person is psychologically & clinically unsafe. Requiring professional help.
Fit-for-purpose attributes
Non-conformity to a commitment, or promise, made or perceived to be made to the aggrieved by the aggrieving party.
An action real or perceived, intended or unintended of the aggrieving party that leads to deterioration of the aggrieved party’s internal or external ambience leading to a negative valence. External here means that which is perceived using the five senses, while internal is that which is cognized without any inputs from senses.

Sufficiency conditions

Changes in size, dimensions
§  If the impact of grievance (arousal and valence) changes abruptly with time, the aggrieved party is probably under mood swings.
§  If the impact of grievance (arousal and valence) tapers fast with time the aggrieved party is a psychologically strong and healthy individual
§  If the impact of grievance (arousal and valence) survives long the aggrieved party is psychologically self-inflicting and a weak individual.
§  Rare but possible is an infinite plane in the mood space which is arousal=0. This means that there is no change arousal but negativity that lives for long. These are traits of dangerous people of the likes of Hitler.
Changes in properties
§  Ideally, the value of valence and arousal should lie on the linear line arousal=valence. Nonetheless, it does not happen this way in real life. If the value of valence vs arousal is substantially larger, the grievance is either under-reported or under-cognized (has a large subconscious component).
§  On the contrary, if the value of arousal vs valence is substantially larger, the grievance is either over-expressed or disproportionately reacted to.
Changes in Ambience
§  The change in the internal or external ambience to an external perceived or real offensive stimuli or non-fulfillment of commitments made to the aggrieved party, such that there is a negative valence, indicates a grievance.
Changes in Ownership
§  Humans have this amazing capability to vicariously feel emotions. The capability to transmit grievance through emotional or intellectual conviction of the aggrieved such that the otherwise, unconnected feels aggrieved too indicates a transmission of ownership of grievance & thereby its propagation in society.

Emotional Connect of Doer

§  The doer of a grievance is the aggrieving party. The aggrieved party may or may not undergo changes in the emotional connect. The doer may express a grievance that is based on a cause of action, or may imagine a cause of action for aggrieving someone.

Emotional Connect of Orderer

§  The orderer of a grievance is the aggrieved party. The aggrieved party may or may not undergo changes in the emotional connect.

Aesthetic Value

§  Aesthetic value in grievances is very critical as it reduces the otherwise glaring negative valence.

Definition of Grievance

In view of the DNSEA of Grievance presented above, one can conclude that Grievance can be defined as
“the persistence of overt or covert impact (ideal or under-reported or under-cognized, overexpressed or disproportionately reacted to) of negativity in the directly/vicariously aggrieved party, owing to (i) real causes like non-fulfillment of a commitment, trust, conduct or statute; (ii) or imaginary causes like expectations, or (iii) by execution of a real or imaginary act by an aggrieving party, which could be amongst other – other people, oneself, organizations, owners & operators of machines & animals, objects, providers of goods and/or services, ambience/circumstances, and last but not the least God or other supernatural objects/phenomena real or imaginary; such that all [(i), (ii) & (iii)] leading to deterioration of the external and/or internal environs of the aggrieved”.
[External environs are those that are perceived using the five known senses, while internal environs are those which are cognized by brain without any inputs from senses].

Measure of Value of Grievance

Interesting to note two terms in the definition above - ‘impact of negativity’, not just the negativity (hereby, making it mandatory to take both the valence as well as the arousal in account). The ‘impact of grievance’ at any instance is the product of valence & arousal, thereby denoting an area of the Arousal-Valence plane. The other important term in the definition is the use of word ‘persistence’. Thereby, mathematically, making it pertinent to have the arousal and valence values at multiple, regular instances (assuming they decrease with time), and then integrate them across time to procure the value of the grievance.
Grievance, therefore can be measured in Grievance-days, such that the value of a grievance leading to 1 unit of arousal, -1 unit of valence and retained for 1 day will equate to 1 grievance-day. If carefully observed, the calculation of grievance as product of valence, arousal and retention time is analogous to energy (force x distance x time, where force is arousal, valence is distance and time is retention time) because a grievance causes loss of internal positive & fruitful energy of the aggrieved party over time.

Why Anatomy of Grievance?

One might wonder, what makes grievances so important that I have written a whole paper on it!
All human-connecting causes like love, hate, respect, or even physical attraction requires knowledge of the counter-party, grievance is the only such interconnect of human beings with each other, animals, animated non-living objects (like mountains, flooding rivers, machines) and even imaginary entities (like God). This makes it the most unique interconnect & emotion of humans.
Second reason is the critical role that grievances, caused by real or imaginary reasons, play in the socio-economic development of a society. A grievance adequately addressed sometimes is an ally won.
Lastly, the inspiration to sit, think, analyse & write this article on grievance came on behest of (under construction) through the process of creating a foundation for the portal. C2SBook is a global portal for receiving and supporting all (very literally ‘all’) ‘grievances’. C2Sbook is a central portal for all people of the world available in all major languages to express grievances and complains to then get them addressed through us irrespective of the entities against which the grievance is held – a person, an organization, a place, an event, an object (including products), a service, or government or God.
Enfin, I am reminded of a Russian Proverb which says, 
“I know complaining is a sin, yet I want to do it”. 

Deepak Loomba

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Vertical Limit – the Business of Intelligent Emotion

It’s a movie. For those who have not watched – Peter rescues his sister Annie, who along with her boss Elliot (villain) is trapped in a crevice, while scaling mount K2. For me the most thrilling scene, is philosophically the most climacteric one. This is when Annie, trapped in the crevice, & freezing to death is forced by Elliot to risk her life for a backpack with medicines that had fallen on the other side of the abyss. Annie has to cross over a dwindling ice-bridge for the backpack. She hooks a rope to her abdomen belt with Elliot holing the other end tightly. Nervously, step-by-step, raising the beats of the viewers she reaches the mid-point of the bridge, only to realize that the rope warranting her security, is not long enough & unhooking the rope from her abdominal belt, thereby risking whole hog is the only way to reach the backpack, carrying life-saving drug. She thinks for a moment and realizes that would she not take the risk, chances of survival are anyway zilch, she unhooks herself, picks the backpack and just while she turns to cross back the bridge gives away, she throws the bag to the other side, jumps to grip the cliff and as in a true thriller catches hold of the rope she had left. The bridge collapses into abyss, but she is saved – hanging on to the rope she caught hold off while falling along with the ice-bridge.
One might wonder, where in this whole thrilling scene is Philosophy!?
It is - the split second, when she thinks, unhooks herself and decides to risk it all-out to save herself & her boss. I thought to myself – would this girl be blessed with exceptionally high intellectual quotient, she would have calculated very high chances of her falling into the abyss and would have desisted from such action. What made her take that final risk that she took?
In life I realized, there comes a point, beyond which, calculated risks are no more an option. It is all about intelligent-emotion. Intelligent emotion is the one, due to which, notwithstanding the damage that a professional boxer’s punch will cause on one’s jaw, one does not shut his eyes, when the opponent swings a punch, but keeps them wide opened to swing, evade or divert the punch. This property to keep eyes open when the blizzard is blinding, and have the ability to take purposeful, informed and swift action is what I call intelligent emotion. Emotion because there is fear, there are reflexes and there is a need to prepare one’s body and brain to undertake the blow and not fall flat on ground. Intelligence, because one can overcome this fear and keep his eyes open, because with eyes shut one is anyway a sitting duck. Intelligent Emotion is the one, which does not reduce reflexes but sharpens them like never before. 

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Balance of Choas

St. Petersburg Economic Forum ~1700hrs of 2nd June 2017.

           Attended a provocatively titled session "Future Preparedness Index". It was chaired by Andrey Fursenko, erstwhile Science Minister of Russia and skeptic of the idea. The Authors of the index, who were also the panelists claimed that the future preparedness of a society or nation can be concluded from 10 key factors. Therefore, more a society targets & connects to achievements of these higher indicators, the better it is supposed to be future prepared and therefore have a better probability of winning. Having sat through an hour of discussion, below-mentioned was my impromptu argument, which led me to visualize this concept I termed 'Chaotic Balance' or 'Balance of Chaos'. 

          I argued, "Imagine us on a floating platform in the middle of ocean with a ball a tossing within the confines of the platform (as thought this platform is a container) amongst us, inertially (on its own) on Brownian principle - that is it is not possible to predict its future location by any means. Catching the ball (it represents the future) is the assignment. If all participants do their own estimates of ball's future location individually, without providing cues to others, one will have each running into different directions depending on the strength & weakness of their location. May be some one person might even win, but people will run chaotically in all directions. But here's the silver lining - this chaotic movement will ensure a more or less even distribution of weight on the platform, hence enabling it to stay afloat".

          "Now the other case", I continued my arguments - "everyone on the platform is informed of probable future positions of the ball and advocated to run to specific location, which is what the future preparedness index does. Irrespective of (i) whether the ball arrives at that point or (ii) someone ultimately catches the ball; the platform will disbalance and topple for lack of sensible weight distribution as too many people are located at the same point of platform and time. Thereby drowning us all".

       The former seems to be a more sensible philosophy of existence to ensure we stay afloat. I call this state of social equilibrium as Chaotic-Balance or Balance-of-Chaos.

Friday, 11 August 2017

A daughter for a while

14 September 2016. 1615 hours. Straight from airport, after a exhausting flight from Far East (Vladivostok) I finished a business lunch in downtown Moscow and followed it with a stroll on the main Tverskaya avenue to stretch myself & concluded it with my favorite cherry-pie & a cup of coffee in an old MacDonald, where we - the hoggs, hogged in university days. With the delectable cherry-pie wrapped colourfully, down its shoulders, alluringly lying next to the dark & handsome coffee mug on a nicely laid out silky white sheet in the tray, I sat down to ensure their union. In my tummy.
No more than a couple of minutes passed before a pretty young girl, asked whether she may sit next to me with her coffee, for lack of vacancy. I welcomed her with her liberal shower of delightful thanks on me. While sitting, she curiously asked my nationality. I happily confirmed being an Indian. I counter questioned her name, introducing myself, and was informed by her that she was a student. All through out the next 10 minutes of conversation I felt her Russian a bit muttering, sometimes (I speak adequately fluent Russian). And at least twice re-questioned her. Ten minutes into  interaction with her, I was left balled-over on being informed of her 100% deafness and the fact that all this while, she had been lip-reading me.

On having heard of her inability, I automatically spoke slow & overtly expressive with my mouth, to be embarrassingly pacified by her saying, "please be normal, I am an exceptionally well-trained lip reader. My mom has worked very hard on me". Vicariously, I developed a respect for her mom and calming my strained cheeks, asked about her. Her mother, she said, was a usual loving-mother, who worked two jobs then (one as a real estate manager), so as to afford them both, a holiday in Goa. She was a 3rd year student of biophysics. Having told her about my wife and son, I turned my attention to her lack of words for her father. With an uncanny calmness she narrated that 4 months after her birth, on confirmation by the doctors of her deafness, her biological father had ditched them both; accusing her mother of probably having conceived a lover's offspring, adulterously. His progeny, he believed, could not be disabled. Notwithstanding, her fathers behaviour, I saw a philia in her telling me that she has twice seen her father & that he is an extraordinarily handsome man. Speechless I was, with my lower jaw divorcing the upper. I thought to myself - here is a young girl, apparently having had a difficult childhood and contesting circumstances, yet so much at peace with her reality, devoid of any psychological or emotional trauma, so simply truthful and hence so serene ! I saw a beauty in her that was so absolute, that it was indistinguishable from boldness, truth and compassion all simultaneously - a singularity, that I relish till date. Not in vain, did Nietzsche say, "the kind are the bravest".
Listening to her short story; for the first time in my life, I felt something hot & wet wanting to gush out of me, filling me all the way till my eyes, not only making me somewhat feel my female side, but made me feel her father - "a daughter's father", for those short 5 minutes. For a total of those unforgettable fifteen minutes, that I listened to this beautifully tranquil young woman, I was ready to adopt her as my own. I gave her my business card and asked her to be my desired-guest, on her way to Goa with her mom. I got up, as soon as she finished her coffee and requested to leave. She gave me an unforgettable embrace. We spoke nothing, but I know she felt the father in me as much as I touched my daughter in her. I do not remember her name, not even her face any more, but she shall remain a yellow-orange warm radiant spot on the canvas of my life, forever. Through this note I bow to her, thank her and send her my love & blessings, wherever she is. Unknowingly for her, she became one of my greatest teachers and the most lovable and adorable daughter, even though for 15 minutes.  
May be, life is not an orderly jigsaw with aims & targets, but a chaotically-balanced, contrasting, beautiful painting of these yellow-orange, purple, blue, red, green and magenta experiences.

I dedicate this small piece to an acquaintance, whose beautiful & colourful canvas, I have the honour of knowing.